Sixty minutes makes an hour, twenty-four hours makes a day, in an hour and a day there is birth and in birth there is life,Therefore there is movement, rhythm and dance in the birth of the hour.There are two of them,because there must be two for the miracle of today and everyday to take its cause. However,we write about birth and hour but,what can possibly be between the birth and the hour.Consciouly or unconsiously we speak about ourselves,that is,the involvement of the birth of the hour is of course the mysterious birth of one soul in two bodies which emphasizes the birth of the TWIN in the hour. Logically,this dance cheorography gives a vivid imagination of dance before birth and the unquestionable unique existence of the TWIN.In humanity's collective consiouseness TWINS are a living metaphor, they represent the richness , the source and the perpetuetion of life.Their life itself stands in an exaggerated form.As a fact there is an enduring allure to the mystery of TWINS. THE TWINS share a story of powerful bond that neither time nor distance seems to shake as well as an unspoken communication and trust that is entirely unique in the birth of the hour.
This is a journey to the beloved by remembering self, soulmate,and TWIN soul from the begining. We shall experience interwoven crystal that are mirrow images on each other, we shall also witness the behavious, personality and social attitudes they display which are remarkably alike. Now,why are we pondering?why are we meditating? yes if there could be a world where all its inhabitants are TWINS,would it only bring ....